Is Honesty A Vanity?

Have you tried real, unguarded, absolutely vulnerable raw honesty with anyone? Have you received such honesty from someone?

Rumana Shaikh
2 min readDec 12, 2020

How we are so obsessed as a society to keep pretending that everything is so well and good we have lost touch with being honest with our own selves. Even on the rare occasions that we are honest with ourselves, we are often completely filled with doubts about that honesty.

It is as if, by pretense, we have learned that the vulnerability that real honesty offers can bring us about so much social and cultural damage, the image that we so meticulously try to maintain on our social feeds.

I have been asked this question a lot since I have bombarded all of you with friend requests on Facebook recently “Did you make yet another new account on Facebook?”

That question leaving a pungent taste in my mouth, as if I have to swallow some shame or some fear or some judgment for having deleted yet another account in the last 10 or 12 years of using this platform. But more so the courage comes to having to answer with shamelessness “Yes I deleted yet another account and I made yet another account.”

How, how do we as individuals really get so easily adapted and accustomed to everything that life throws at us, from social media platforms to smartphones to smartphones getting dumber and so are our self worths getting smaller.

Damn well, we need to be honest with ourselves and accept the truths of our lives, our decisions, our careers, our families, our relationships, our heartbreaks, and about everything even the slice of cake that did not taste so good today and it upset you.

Because unless we will learn to scratch these formal, upper layers of our beings, we are never going to find the courage, to be honest, to look at how and what our choices are shaping us to become.

Are our choices even our choices? Or are they merely a product of structured anarchy that we have silently accepted to continue the lineage for, just with some added bling and emoji and features to broadcast to a wider network of our social circle.

Do we really have honest conversations with our own selves?

Is honesty really such a vanity that it is shelved??



Rumana Shaikh

The only freedom is the freedom to allow yourself to be the best version of self, and hence allow change. Ponder, read, write, explore and grow.