Paradox Of The Good And The Bad

Rumana Shaikh
2 min readDec 14, 2020

The paradox of good and nice. You are only good until you are nice. As soon as you are not nice you are not good.

You are only bad until you are not complying with what the other wants or expects from their transaction with you. The moment you challenge someone on their ideas, beliefs, habits, behavior, position, ideologies, their life, you are automatically not good aka bad for them.

When I wear a headscarf I am good for the fellow Muslims. When I wear shorts I am bad for the fellow Muslims.

The idea that ‘I’, you or me or him or her, anyone ‘I’ depends on this basic validation and justification from anyone, the ultimate battle to ‘fit in’ while you struggle to outdo your old self, this struggle to be a rat in a rat race, trying to constantly appease and massage one’s ego that they are good because they behave, pretend, execute in a certain way is the biggest fallacy of this conscious and hence inadvertently subconscious world we build.

Good and bad, right and wrong, true and false, all two sides of the same coin. Perspective, perspective everywhere, nowhere to go and hide. All the wide world is under the same open sky and all of us pretend to be able to hide the very same being that exists inside us.

According to the Bhagdwadgita, there is a super soul and a soul, the super soul is the fuel of all the souls, the God particle that physics talks about, the one soul from which all the souls have originated.

So many different names we give to that SUPER/ SUPERIOR being of all beings. But how many of us truly, genuinely deeply connect with the super soul within us?

How many truly empathize and get down to the basics that all that exists inside the other is what exists inside me, and all that exists inside me is what exists inside the other.

Our outer world and all that we have created and labeled as our “life” is merely the illusion of the materialistic possessions of our life. And these are not any part of your being. They are merely just what you use, needs and greed.

Your right and wrong, judgment and pretense, is nothing but your inability to sit with yourself, the whole self, the super soul, and the individual soul and see all as one!

It’s about time we take a deeper look into our own, for the lack of better choice of words, ‘bullshit’ and find in ourselves the courage, to be honest beyond our books and our prayers and our beads and our verses and hymns and look within to find in ourselves the truths of our mortal life, of our eternal souls and our paradox of ‘life’ while we are only merely passing it by!



Rumana Shaikh

The only freedom is the freedom to allow yourself to be the best version of self, and hence allow change. Ponder, read, write, explore and grow.