The Me I Had Found ❤

Rumana Shaikh
2 min readDec 1, 2019
The one year younger but the ever so happier me :)

When I met Ambition,
Ambition said, “I’m you’re friend, come follow me.”
And I followed behind on this long trail,
The journey that ‘ambition’ and I have been.

But on the way, I met Love,
And love said, “I’m your comfort, come with me.”
So I packed my bags and got on a plane,
And flew everywhere that love took me.

Then I was once jettisoned from a dream,
And I met Wisdom beseeching me,
Wisdom said, “Where have you been all along!?”
“Get quick on your feet, we have a destination to reach!”
So I stuttered a little, stumbled a few times,
Hopped back on my feet and followed in the blind.

Down the dark alleys, and tunnels with no lights,
Wisdom took me to paths that were undefined,
I had fears and shudders in my body,
My heart thumped loudly like it was going to cry out loud,
And just as I was about to give up on Wisdom,
I met another friend quite in the middle of the darkest part of this tunnel.

There came Faith,
In a sultry white gown,
Flowing away like the wind gushing through your hair,
Just about 30 seconds before the train arrives on the platform.

Faith gave me no promises, no directions, no leads,
But slowly and gently it lept up to me and held my hand,
Almost invisible as if no-one could see,
And Faith whispered in my ears, “Don’t worry little one, you have me!”

And just like that,
It lifted my spirits,
Guided me through the end of that dark tunnel,
Almost as if I was in a trance or in a dream.

The new horizon that I could see,
Was beautiful and full of gleam,
Ambition had set my journey,
Love had taken me to places,
Wisdom had finally caught up with me,
All this while that I was running,
And Faith had wrapped me in the embrace I seek.

Then Hope arrived,
On a sultry unicorn draped in bright light,
As I found my tribe,
As I found my tribe,
I knew who the little girl is,
And what does she feel like?

Hope looked me in the eyes and said,
“Open your eyes to your dreams,
Keep dreaming, or you’ll fall in a deep slumber sleep!”

And there she sprung to life,
The Rumana I had met decades ago,
A little girl frolicking away in her own little world.

There was no Alice,
Nor a wonderland,
There she was my woman,
The “me” I had found.



Rumana Shaikh

The only freedom is the freedom to allow yourself to be the best version of self, and hence allow change. Ponder, read, write, explore and grow.